
Active World Boss notification

Active World Boss notification

Active World Boss notification

earners competition notification


You have no unread notifications.


You have no unread messages.

Character buttonSkills buttonYou have 1600 unused skill points and 2400 unused talent points!Inventory buttonVault buttonFamily buttonFamily skills cooldown expired!Triumps buttonGems buttonThere are gems for sale on the market!Stats buttonProfile buttonForums buttonManual buttonSettings button
Chat button
  • Family buffs

    Offense buff

    Weapon icon

    0% offense

    0% From shooting
    0% Family start bonus
    0% from family skills

    Defense buff

    Armor icon

    5% defense

    0% From surviving
    5% Family start bonus
    0% from family skills

    Stealth buff

    Disguise icon

    2.5% stealth

    0% From shooting/surviving
    2.5% Family start bonus
    0% from family skills

    Money buff

    Money icon

    0% money

    0% From skills

    Family Salary

    Every day you can claim or donate salary from the family based on your earnings compared to the entire family earnings.

    Your salary is determined at 00:00 and is reset every day, make sure to claim or donate it before 00:00!

    Donate salary


    You're family currently has a unpaid debt of $75,000,000.

    Manage Family

    Name + Rank City Earnings & Salary Last active Group Kick
    Avatar of Guest Account Guest Account Guest (800)
    Hawaii$10,164,947 (0)
    $166,507 (0)
    Sat 27 Jul 11:26:56Leader
  • Family relationships with other families

    Relationships with a green background are allies, if they have a red background they're enemies.

    Once you have requested to become allies with another family they will have to accept this before an alliance is formed, requests for alliances will be indicated as pending and will have a blue background.

    # Family name Members Type Options

    Other families relationships involving you

    Relationships with a green background are allies.

    If the background is blue the offer to become allies with your family is still pending.

    # Family name Members Type Options
  • Family Skills

    Donating towards family skills costs money and results into 15 minutes cooldown time.

    Offense skill

    Offense skill

    current level 0 / 11

    current bonus 0%

    next level bonus 0.3%

    Level up progress


    Defense skill

    Defense skill

    current level 0 / 11

    current bonus 0%

    next level bonus 0.3%

    Level up progress


    Stealth skill

    Stealth skill

    current level 0 / 11

    current bonus 0%

    next level bonus 0.5%

    Level up progress


    Vault skill

    Vault skill

    current level 0 / 11

    current bonus 0 slots

    next level bonus 2 slots

    Level up progress


    Money skill

    Income skill

    current level 0 / 11

    current bonus 0%

    next level bonus 1%

    Level up progress


    City bank skill

    City bank skill

    current level 0 / 11

    current bonus 0%

    next level bonus 1%

    Level up progress


  • Invite members

    Invited by To Options
    No open invites pending currently.

    Invite someone to join your family:

  • Guesting around

    Back to overview

    Subject Posts/Views Last post

  • Update family ranks

    You have the rights to assign family ranks.
    Click the button below in order to update members their ranks.

    Mass Message

    You have the rights to send a family mess message.
    Click the button below in order to create a mass message.

  • You currently have 0 items stored out of the possible 55.

    1% Weapon bonus

    Weapon icon







    1% Armor bonus

    Armor icon







    1% Disguise bonus

    Disguise icon







    1% Tech bonus

    Tech icon







  • Killed Members

    Click the button to view the list of fallen members.

    Manage group rights

    Click the button to manage rights of family groups.


    Click the update profile button in order to update your families profile.

    Family headquarters

    Mortgage has to be paid every 12 hours. Mortgage will automatically be paid upon upgrading headquarters.

    If Mortgage hasn't been paid for, for over 2 full days you wont be able to withdraw money, or invite new people.

    No Headquarters (Current HQ)

    Headquarters icon

    costs $0

    mortgage $0

    warfee $1,500,000

    members 0

    vault slots 0

    Micro Headquarters (Next HQ)

    Headquarters icon

    costs $7,500,000

    mortgage $1,200,000

    warfee $5,000,000

    members 7

    vault slots 5

    Disband Family

    Click the disband button if you really want to start disbanding the family.

    Once you've started disbanding there is no turning back.

There are 30 people online

  • [ADMIN]Blaaster Blaaster avatar Blaaster
    Admin (1000)
    Admin Team
  • [ADMIN]Satan Satan avatar Satan
    Slayer (999)
    Admin Team
  • [GUEST]Guest Account Guest Account avatar Guest Account
    Guest (800)
    Guesting around
  • Zero Zero avatar Zero (Safety)
    Thug (13)
    (Not part of a family)
  • llllllll llllllll avatar llllllll (Safety)
    Thief (12)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Cao Cao avatar Cao (Safety)
    Thief (12)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Kazam Kazam avatar Kazam (Safety)
    Dealer (11)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Ponlo Ponlo avatar Ponlo (Safety)
    Dealer (11)
    (Not part of a family)
  • GOAT GOAT avatar GOAT (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Yhwach Yhwach avatar Yhwach (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Clickbait Clickbait avatar Clickbait (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Mokveld Mokveld avatar Mokveld (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Bones Bones avatar Bones (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Simple Simple avatar Simple (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Loyal Loyal avatar Loyal (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Scent Scent avatar Scent (Safety)
    Chaplain (10)
    (Not part of a family)
  • BloodAxe BloodAxe avatar BloodAxe (Safety)
    Squire (9)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Plasma Plasma avatar Plasma (Safety)
    Squire (9)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Curexi Curexi avatar Curexi (Safety)
    Squire (9)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Zensen Zensen avatar Zensen (Safety)
    Squire (9)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Defender Defender avatar Defender (Safety)
    Squire (9)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Kingmaker Kingmaker avatar Kingmaker (Safety)
    Recruit (8)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Oxygen Oxygen avatar Oxygen (Safety)
    Recruit (8)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Berzerk Berzerk avatar Berzerk (Safety)
    Recruit (8)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Taco Taco avatar Taco (Safety)
    Recruit (8)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Beholder Beholder avatar Beholder (Safety)
    Recruit (8)
    (Not part of a family)
  • congo congo avatar congo (Safety)
    Recruit (8)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Alcantara Alcantara avatar Alcantara (Safety)
    Trainee (7)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Aveeno Aveeno avatar Aveeno (Safety)
    Trainee (7)
    (Not part of a family)
  • Sun Sun avatar Sun (Safety)
    Nobody (1)
    (Not part of a family)