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  • Scouting Database

    On this page you can find all the latest scouting results across the game.

    Remember, the stats and strength values are FROM when the crime was scouted, they don't get updated over-time. Make sure to check the time of when the crimes were scouted. You can filter by specific crimes via the top menu to find the perfect crime to play.

    City Crime Time Stats & Bonus Chance Strength
    Bangkok image4Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (45%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Hong Kong image3Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    stealth (55%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Hong Kong image7Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (48%)
    97%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    London image1Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (37%)
    100%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    London image4Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (41%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Paris image3Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    offense (65%)
    100%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Paris image4Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (46%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Paris image5Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (48%)
    100%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Paris image6Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    mixed (42%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Rio de Janeiro image2Mon 03 Jun 18:34:35
    defense (54%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Amsterdam image2Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    offense (69%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Bangkok image6Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    mixed (46%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Cairo image1Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    mixed (47%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Moscow image8Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    offense (62%)
    93%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Ottawa image6Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    defense (52%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Tokyo image4Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    mixed (45%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Jerusalem image1Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    mixed (47%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Jakarta image6Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    mixed (43%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Madrid image5Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    stealth (50%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Lisbon image2Mon 03 Jun 18:26:00
    offense (72%)
    100%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Amsterdam image1Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    offense (68%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    London image3Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    offense (55%)
    100%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    New York image6Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    offense (67%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Mexico City image2Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    mixed (45%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Mexico City image6Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    mixed (40%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Istanbul image9Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    mixed (43%)
    85%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Jerusalem image4Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    offense (55%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Jakarta image4Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    mixed (40%)
    100%normalStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Madrid image6Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    mixed (42%)
    100%strongStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
    Lisbon image4Mon 03 Jun 18:09:02
    offense (87%)
    100%weakStrength indicated how strong the crime is, strong is good and weak is bad!
  • Introduction

    Crimes are one of the most important things in Unleashed Fear, it's the key feature to building your character. You'll be committing crimes to strengthen your character but also to make money, but how do you know which crimes to commit? In the beginning your character will be low ranked and weak, you won't be able to succeed a lot of crimes and you will have to start out low. By committing crimes your characters will start to develop, you'll get stats, ranking points, money and crime experience. Here are some pointers to take into mind when committing crimes, these pointers will help you on your path to becoming the new ruler of Unleashed Fear.

    Crime experience

    Crime experience is the key factor to start playing harder and more challenging crimes, the more experience the higher crimes you'll be able to commit and the more money you'll earn. The more crimes you commit the more experience you'll gain and the more experience you gain the higher crimes you can commit, you will see your success chances going up the more you crime.

    Ranking points

    Ranking allows you to unlock new features but not new crimes, rank is important but not as important as stats are. Always remember even if someone is higher in rank then you are, that doesn't mean that their characters stats are better then yours. Each crime gives different stats and ranking point, some give low stats and high ranking points thus leading to a high ranked but low stats account, and visaversa of course.

    Money rewards

    The higher the crime the more money you'll be earning, higher crimes means more cooldown time, but it also means more reward, higher crimes are generally harder to commit.

    Character stats

    When it comes to which crime is best for your characters stats? You will have to find that out yourself by trial & error, in the mafia world nobody lives forever and the only way to determine if a crime is good stats wise is by putting your account in harms-way. Every crime gives certain stats like defense, offense and stealth, nobody knows exactly how much stats they give but you can get an indication of what kind of a crime it is by paying attention to the off/def/stl percentages, crimes with a high offense percentage give more offense then the other 2 stats.


    Every crime has it's own bonus stats, these bonuses could be: Off(ense), Def(ense), St(ea)l(th), Exp(erience) and Rank (points). Every day at 00:00 these bonuses will be reset/changed. Each bonus gives 5% extra stats on the crimes, offense will give 5% extra offense, defense will give 5% extra defense, stealth will give 5% extra stealth, Exp will give 5% extra crime experience and Rank will give 5% extra Rank points.

    Crimes change over time.

    Crimes change overtime, as there are only 150 different crimes there is a 0.67% chance of finding "the best crime" in the game, due to the fact that this crime often gets found the stats of crimes slowly change overtime. What does this mean? The percentages in offense, defense and stealth won't change, but the hidden amount of points these crimes give do change. If the best crime gets found and a lot of players start committing this crime over and over again the crime will slowly start giving less point, other crimes will slowly start giving more point, thus bringing more variation in crimes. Crimes that are being committed a lot get weaker and crimes that get committed the least will get stronger. There obviously do is a system in place that keeps all of this in balance.

    So what do I do?

    It's best to make a map of all the crimes, so you know where the offense, defense and stealth crimes are located, remember each city has 10 crimes, 15 cities in total which makes 150 total different crimes. If you do not know how to make a crime map look at the image below, these are crimes from V1, every crime in every city, this way you know all the crimes. And you will know if you want to commit offense crimes you will have to go to city X. There is no real way of knowing if a crime is good, the only way you can test if crimes are good is by putting your account at risk, you will have to engage in a family war in order to shoot/get shot at, and by choosing your opponents carefully. If you commit a certain crime over and over again, and your opponent commit another crime over and over again, and they fail to kill you and you succeed in killing them you might get an idea of which crime is better then the other, but you still can't absolutely be sure as you do not know which crimes your opponent commit and crimes change over time.


    Over the versions a lot of players thought they have figured out exactly how the crimes system works. A lot of rumors have been spreading around when it comes to "calculating" crimes. All these rumors are pretty much false. When it comes to the current crime system there are 2 very important conclusions you can draw. You have 2 different ways of viewing crimes, the amount of stats you get compared to the ranking progress, and the amount of stats you get compared to the amount of stamina you spend. The first option, the amount of stats per ranking progress can be calculated, with some effort, dedication and team-skill you can figure out bad and good stats to rank crimes. However the 2nd option the stats compared to stamina spend option cannot be calculated. The stats to stamina crimes will always be stronger then a stats to rank crime. The system was made in such a way on purpose. Unleashed Fear is suppose to be fun, challenging and offer everybody equal chances to compete for the top, this is not some math competition where those who try to calculate crimes should be the winners. Tho stats to rank points crimes do give really nice accounts compared to other accounts on the same rank, the stats to stamina crimes will always be better. Last but not least, the crimes updater that makes crimes weaker/stronger over time is also a system that was designed in such a way that it cannot be calculated. If a crime gets weaker for example, it might lose 5% of the offense/defense/stealth/ranking points that it gives, this will result into a weaker stats to stamina ratio crime, but the crime will still have the same amount of stats to rank ratio.

    Example of misconception

    In version 2.004 around 1.650.000 crimes were committed during the course of the version. About 950.000 of those crimes committed were Bangkok 2. Bangkok 2 was a stats to rank crime, the crime gave roughly 3.7 times more stats then ranking points where an average crime gives 2.5 - 3.0 stats per ranking point. However, the amount of stats you gained per stamina was only 1.2, where the average crime gives about 3.0 - 3.5 stats per stamina. If players we're really able to calculate the stats to stamina ratio they would never have committed Bangkok 2 over 950.000 times, more then half of all the crimes committed during the version! In comparison during this same version New York 6 was the best crime, this crime was committed only 5.500 times and ended 12th on the top spammed crime 6 list.

    Examples of stats to rank/stamina crimes.

    Remember, these are simply examples to give you an idea of how the system works!

    Stats to rank crime
    Offense 150 points, Defense 325 points, Stealth 125 points -- 25% Offense, 54% Defense, 21% Stealth
    This crime takes 115 stamina and gives 350 rank points.
    Stats to rank calculation: 3.4 Stats per Rank point.
    Stats to stamina calculation: 5.2 Stats per Stamina point.

    Stats to stamina crime
    Offense 400 points, Defense 100 points, Stealth 200 points -- 57% Offense, 14% Defense, 29% Stealth
    This crime takes 90 stamina and gives 450 rank points.
    Stats to rank calculation: 1.6 Stats per Rank point.
    Stats to stamina calculation: 7.8 Stats per Stamina point.

    Conclusion The 2nd crime gives a lot more stats per stamina compared to the first crime. and it also gives more ranking points.
    The 1st crime will appear a lot better on the top 50 murdered characters, as their stats to rank is a lot better then a stats to stamina account.
    Obviously these are very extreme differences and are purely meant to show an example of the difference.

    Manual overview

    The manual is a work in progress. Some subjects still need to be updated.

    Starters Features Systems

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